Tag Archives: gardening

The things I won’t change for 2015

So much has been said of New Years Resolutions year after year so I am making mine different. I look back at my year that passed, and examine the things that I am happy I committed to doing regularly, and I say a prayer of gratitude. I shortlisted the 3 major goals I had of 2014 below. Yes only 3 , nothing ambitious , nowhere near miraculous but I will say this, by committing myself to these 3 habits, my life changed for the better.

1. Rise Up Early. There is something magical about gardening just as the morning light is starting to peek. My being gets an instant refreshment as I work in my little veggie patch, while the whole world is still asleep.Not only is my mind redirected to inner peace , I am somehow inclined to make the right choices for the day, one that fosters simple joy and healthy living.


2. Run 3x a week. Here is where I was challenged every single time. But the moment I SAID YES, the body syncs in too, and the after- run accomplishment gives me an renewed energy and an exercise of mental toughness.One that I do not get from any workout.


3. Drink my Green Smoothie. This habit has been introduced by my good friend Tina Zamora. She gave me this super foods and ever since then , i am hooked. My personal formula:
Kefir , 3 fruits in season ( my favorites are: guyabano, banana and pineapple ), 3-4 kinds leafy veggies ( always with oregano and mint ).then seeds ( Chia, sunflower, flaxseeds ).For other concoctions, try looking up green smoothies.
Green Smoothies is like a wonder health elixir for me.
I hope with these 3 UNCHANGES, I can challenge you to create your own 3 goals for 2015 , all positive habits you like to maintain from last year. Share with me , okay?

After the typhoons

There were two typhoons that hit the farm these past weeks ..And while I was busy working  here in the city , I was half praying too that somehow Mother Nature would spare my mahogany and bamboo trees that form the hedge of the farm , and oh ,my still-delicate tomatoes and eggplant  in the open field.

Something’s gotta give, and so several guyabanos and mahoganies went down along with some layers i carefully nurtured .

Last week as I surveyed the damage, my heart sort of sunk a bit with broken fences , tomatoes that need to be transplanted and sporadic branches and trunks of uprooted trees scattered all around.

It’s a good thing my bamboo greenhouse has been completed and with it, the lettuce , cucumbers and all seedlings thrive. I can swear by the wisdom and efficiency of a greenhouse.My farmworker recommends we multiply the bamboo greenhouses since they can definitely give us more yield during off season.

Speaking of off season vegetable production, for those enthusiasts wanting to start growing their vegetables, be it commercial or just in their own backyard , you may sign up in East-West Seed training that offers a 4 day training in san Rafael Bulacan.I attended their Aug. 9- 12 training .Their comprehensive lectures and hands-on would definitely gear you up.